Friday, May 6, 2011
stolen shoes
My favorite high school memory is messing around with my friends. The most vivid memory was when we were still in the portables and everything was damp and wet because it was winter time. There was a little bit of snow on the ground and we decided that we wanted to have a little bit of fun at lunch. One of the quarks of Sam is that she hates having her shoes off, but it makes the rest of us laugh when she freaks out that her shoes are gone. Matt Kepner was still going to school with us then and he decided that we were going to hold Sam down and steal her shoes. As she was screaming Matt ran outside in the snow with her shoes and hid them. She tried running outside but her socks were getting wet and she had to find a way to get her shoes back. I bet it was annoying to get her shoes stolen from her but it gave us something to do. I think she has gotten over it but we don't steal her shoes anymore. we are nicer now.
Senior Project

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Baby Kitty
Baby Kitty is my kitten that I got back in November. She got her name because I was babysitting a group of little kids and all they would call her was "baby kitty" and it stuck. She is very fluffy and purrs like a motor boat. Her favorite thing to do is play and attack your hands. She also loves to lay on cell phones and play with them. The computer and playstation will normally keep her entertained for hours. Travis and I will sit on the couches and call her to see who she comes to and then make fun of whomever she didnt choose. She also sleeps in my bed and trys to sleep on my head, and if im trying to watch a movie she will lie directly infront of my face so I can't see.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The return of the mullet
Over the past few years I have volunteered at the Idaho Center. One of my jobs is as an usher, which means I help people find their seats, or lost children, where the bathroom is, etc. This jon allows for quite a bit of free time. When I am not helping people, I spend my time watching them and their sense of style. Over the weekend, I worked Monster Jam, which if you can imagine led to seeing some very interesting people and styles. One of the most memorable is the mullet. This style should never have returned. Not only did I see this hair style on a man, who turned it into a "rat-tail" mullet, but also on a woman. I was very surprised that I saw a mullet on a woman, and could not believe my eyes. She had to walk past 2 or 3 times before I was sure that a woman would actually try that hair style. Needless to say that woman has made quite an impression on me and my view on humanity.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Mac 2
Today is journal entry number 2 and i now have to talk about how mac has pertained to my life in the past 2 weeks. Well i see him every day at school, in second, third, fourth periods and at lunch. I have also seen him outside of school when i walked down to my mom's office to go to my little brother's basketball game. He had to take his dog out before he left, but did not take her out long enough and then had to clean up the mess she made. He was also the one who asked me to blog about him yesterday so its his fault this blog is weird and kinda boring and has no sense or reason to it.
I am blogging about mac because he is sitting across the room and asked me to. I have known Mac for about five years and he is still strange. I go to school with him and also work for the same music theater company as he does. Mac's mom is my mom's boss, but sometimes i believe my mom is more in charge. She set up a "feed the jew fund" for him, so that he can get drinks or food when he is hungry and doesnt want to spend his own money. hmmm I dont hang out with him very much anymore but l see him all the time at school, and we talk on occasion. This is kind of a weird blog but oh well, it could be worse. Im not sure what else to say because i've know him for so long the days seem to blend all together....
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